Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Craziest Utterance of the Week Award

This has been a remarkable week for the crazy and it's only Wednesday. Just in the last two days we've seen John McCain and Peter King decrying the Mirandizing of American suspects (sadly, but not surprisingly, the media isn't pointing out that Miranda is about the constitutional protections afforded everyone regardless of nationality under US jurisdiction); we've seen Joe Lieberman suggest that law enforcement be empowered to strip an accused (merely an accused) of their American citizenship. But the award has to go to Michael Brown, former FEMA director. Brownie has a theory about President Obama and the BP rig oil spill:

This is exactly what they want, because now [Obama] can pander to the environmentalists and say, 'I'm gonna shut it down because it's too dangerous.'

Brownie believes Obama wanted a spill like this -- delayed acting on it (Brownie of all people is accusing Obama of delaying his response to an environmental emergency) -- simply because he wanted to score points with environmentalists and stop offshore oil production forever. Chris Matthews, and Anderson Cooper have called Brownie out on this madness, but he's sticking to his guns. This crazy theory might have a little less of the crazy stink to it if President Obama in April hadn't both opened up large portions of the East and Gulf Coasts to future drilling and mentioned in a town hall how safe this drilling was, much to the annoyance of environmentalists. But maybe that was his plan all along, to do a reverse double fake?! It might also help Brownie if Obama was now foursquare against new drilling ... but unfortunately he's not there yet.

I have a crazy theory of my own. It involves a disgraced former Bush official hoping to endear himself to the teabagger crowd in order to goose his talk radio ratings.

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